Big Data, Analytics and the Global AMR Challenge, – on a new common trajectory ?

big-data-amr-and-cruconAs we are approaching next week’s UN General Assembly in New York and especially the full day meeting September 21st regarding the challenges of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and the global use of antibiotics (AMU), we’re excited and hoping for a new trajectory focused on establishing a set of global, common standards for AMR/AMU based upon decades of research and rooted in:

The 2015 Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (WHO)  and most recent The 2016 Review on Antimicrobial Resistance: Tackling Drug-Resistant Infections Globally — Final Report and Recommendations (Wellcome Trust, UK Government)


Researchers Peter S. Jørgensen, Didier Wernli and colleagues from Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, University of Geneva and other Universities and Institutes across EU and USA, advises in an article in Nature last week the following 4 core initiatives:

  1. Education and knowledge sharing.
  2. A rapid phasing out of antibiotic use as growth promoters and disease prevention
  3. Surveillance and data collection to establish measurable indicators at the country level, such as the median yearly consumption of antibiotics per person or animal.
  4. Broadened International and national coalitions. The UN meeting must commit to driving learning between institutions. Global platforms are needed for sharing best practices and the latest data about resistance levels and antibiotic consumption.

At Crucon Analytics we believe that data and analytics can contribute immensely to the necessary and important intelligence, knowledge, information sharing and market insight needed in order to move the marker towards higher levels of understanding of the AMR challenge, – hence improving and guiding towards a more sustainable AMU in the years to come.

Founded and based in Denmark we have experienced firsthand almost 20 years of consecutive reduction in AMU in Danish Livestock Production mainly due to a ban of antimicrobial growth promoters and a mandatory, solid data collection and reporting system (VetStat) owned, driven and governed by The Danish Veterinary Food and Drug Administration. Also, the development, construction and deployment of the VetStat reporting system ignited a technology driven creativity within Danish Livestock Production which have led to a widespread capture and use (i.e. analysis) of data within the sector. For sure this has been a challenging journey for all stakeholders, – by far surpassed by the benefits of lower AMU, a higher productivity in the livestock production and hence a lower overall environmental footprint. As an example, research done by Danish Agriculture & Food Council shows a productivity growth within the Danish Hog Production of more than 35% since the 1990’s simultaneously using at least 5% less resources and antimicrobials.

We believe that the delegates at the UN General Assembly hosted AMR meeting next week should take the Danish learnings and experience into consideration. Actions taken in Denmark over the last 15-20 years aligns well with the 4 recommendations outlined above. Not surprisingly it has been proven that taking the advantage of data collection, governance and data analytics into the equation, sustainable change and reduction of AMU is possible, – and can be swift and significant.

It will require lots of courage and audacious decisions to get the ball rolling, – the outcome even more rewarding.